Stallholder Application

Please complete this form if you wish to be a stall holder at the Castlemaine Artists' Market. Applications are assessed on a monthly basis by the market committee.

"*" indicates required fields

Contact Details


Stall details

All stall holders are responsible for bringing their own set up equipment, including tables, chairs, hanging equipment, marquees, and sandbags.
Please describe ALL work to be included on your stall. Please include a description of your design and production process, with emphasis on which components are designed and made by yourself. We aim to have a varied and eclectic collection of original, quality, handmade artwork showcased. A broad product mix and pricing range are also seen as favorable. Preference is given to Central Victorian artisans.
Please describe which elements of the work are made by you? What materials are used and where are they sourced?
Please give us an idea of how much you charge per item sold in your stall.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB, Max. files: 5.
    Please include up to five images of examples of your work. Please ensure the images are of a high standard. If sending photos from an iphone you may need to covert from the HEIC format first. To do this use a service like


    All stallholders must be covered by public liability insurance, either through the market policy or by providing your own. If the latter applies you must provide a copy of your currency certificate to the Committee.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 5.
      Please upload insurance currency certificate (if applicable)
      Please read, and tick*

      Once your application has been received, it will be reviewed by the committee and you will be notified of the outcome.

      Additional information

      For additional information on being a stall holder at the Castlemaine Artists Market please read the following links:

      Stall Holder Information

      Rights & Responsibilities of Stall Holders